7:45am-3:15pm every weekday for students and at least 7:00am-4:00pm every weekday for teachers, 180 days a year. Plus, that’s not including time for sports practice and events, clubs & organization meetings, and teachers’ meetings/conferences. You want to make sure that everyone who walks through those school doors are comfortable and can see properly. And with LED renovations they can. In upgrading, you are getting better sight lines for all staff members and students. All while the district is saving money on their electric bill! And you might be asking, how is that possible? Well, that is the magic of LEDs. They produce a brighter light than a traditional incandescent bulb, all while using less wattage.

In the way LEDs are built, they produce minimal heat in comparison to incandescent bulbs. This is a major benefit because when you have 20-30 kids plus a teacher in a classroom, you want it to be cool and comfortable as possible. Plus, because the bulbs are producing less heat, you don’t have to run the air conditioning unit on such a high degree to compensate for the extra heat being produced.
Did you know that in a way LEDs imitate our sun? LEDs are able to do that because the cool tones within them increases students and teacher’s serotonin levels, well decreasing their melatonin levels. It helps our bodies follow their natural circadian rhythm. Which is exactly what the sun does for us, and that’s why it helps students and teachers stay awake and concentrate better!
With lighting having different color temperatures, being in the right range for students can be crucial. “Studies have shown that cool color temperatures (4100K – 5000K) can improve the behavior of students who are hyperactive or have learning disadvantages. The cool light color helps them focus and concentrate on tasks and projects. Hyperactivity is also related to a radiation stress condition, and the radiation emitted from fluorescent lighting fixtures can make it worse. When exposure to this radiation is reduced, behavior and performance can improve” (The Benefit).
Students go through a lot of ups and downs through their educational career. And some of that stuff is out of schools and districts control. But one easy way to help students is to make sure your lighting is updated! With that, students can see their assignments, presentations, and teachers better, it can aid in student’s and teacher’s sleep schedules (to help them prosper the following school day) and to be able to help the behavior of students with learning disabilities.
“The Benefits of LED Lighting in School Facilities.” TCP Lighting, 1 Aug. 2017, www.tcpi.com/the-benefits-of-led-lighting-in-school-facilities/.